The magician launched his by giving a breathtaking performance of riding a motorcycle blindfolded amidst busy city roads. Mr. Samrat a noted magician met media persons at a get together on the eve of start of his magic shows in the city, said that magic is a performing art and should be given government protection so that this fine art that is fast dying does not see untimely death. He wanted the government to set up a Jaadu Academy on the pattern of Lalit Kala Academy. He agreed that the presence of television has somewhat taken a toll on performing arts and magic shows are no exception to this, but still there are people who love to see magic shows and other performing arts. He clarified that there is nothing supernatural in magic art, and it is like any other skill but is perhaps more difficult to learn as it combines several skill together. He said that magic is still very popular abroad where unlike India, people do not see it as a supernatural power but do appreciate the perf...
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